Thursday, June 2, 2011

My very first post!!

Hello World Wide Web!!

I am SO excited to have this blog! I have actually dreamed about having a blog for years. Even though it is quite easy to have a blog and it's not usually something people DREAM about, it was difficult for me to start a blog. Last summer I signed up for blogger and brainstormed ideas. After months of thinking about it, I finally came up with a theme (I needed a theme because there was NO WAY I was going to keep a general blog that every college student keeps where I discuss outrageous student loans and my diet of Ramen Noodles). The theme soon became obvious to me. Music <3 So, you ask, why didn't I start this blog last summer? Well, I tried to design the layout for it, and I couldn't get it right. I am a perfectionist and I didn't want mediocre work to be public, so I gave up. I also worked on other projects throughout the summer that kept me busy.

After months of going to concerts without having a place to tell how amazing or sucky they were and after keeping opinions about certain musical artists to myself, I decided that it was finally time to share these things and I NEEDED TO START THIS BLOG GOSH DARN IT! (I would use more inappropriate words, but I decided to keep this blog at least PG-13). I am also double majoring in Journalism and English, so it feels as if I am breaking a law by not having a blog. Most people are surprised to hear I don't have a blog (but I have had a twitter for 2 years #SocialMediaExpert). Even if I couldn't get my layout just right, I told myself I would start this blog. Luckily, it only took me about 2 days to create a header and background I love (though I may not have HTML skills, I am luckily a Photoshop veteran). The look is very simple and I like it. That way, nothing will distract from what I have to say.

I do want to apologize for any mishaps that may happen. This is my VERY FIRST post after all. I haven't worked out all the bugs yet nor have I figured out exactly how to use blogger. I'm excited to begin learning and experimenting (and with experiments come mistakes so I apologize again!).

Every post I have will be in one of three categories, however this post doesn't fit in any category so it's just going to float around for awhile. Before I bid you all adieu, I am going to make a list of things I hope to accomplish with this blog. (I am forewarning you that I am a list person. This will not be the last list you see.)
  • Write succinctly (I think I've already failed on this one!). One of my weaknesses when it comes to my writing is that I include too many unnecessary details, drift off into another topic, or somehow I can talk about absolutely nothing. It is an excellent and highly valued skill to have for BS-ing history essays in college, but not for a blog!
  • Get some sort of online photo account (like Picasa web albums or something) so I can post ALL my concert pictures and share them with all of you especially becuase I stopped posting photo albums on Facebook (don't ask).
  • Possibly create coordinating Twitter and YouTube accounts so this blog seems super legit. That YouTube account would come in handy for posting concert videos too. It would also be a great way to get more viewers for my blog I think.
  • Shameless self-promotion. I am actually a pretty shy and modest person but I want this blog to get views, baby! I'm going to privately message people about this blog, use Facebook, Twitter, email, and every way I can to get people to read.
  • Use creativity! I hope that all my posts vary in the writing methods I use. I don't want every post to have the same format. BORRRRING. I won't become a better writer that way either.
  • On that note, I also want to play around with my tone. I'm not sure whether to be serious, sarcastic, funny, use proper news AP style, use slang, or if I should use sexual innuendos. As of right now, I believe I will write according to how I feel at the time and given the nature of the blog post.
  • Maybe in the future, my blog will be so awesome and have so many views that I will be able to interview musical artists! Okay...that's dreaming a little too big now. One step at a time, Val. This is only your first blog post.
  • Take time to edit my posts and read over them...I'm not going to do that with this one though. (I know, off to a great start! That's an example of the sarcasm I will often be using.)
  • Be honest and not hide who I am. Another reason I didn't start my blog last summer was because I was hesitant to share myself with the world. Who knows who might see this. But, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't write about myself publicly when I want my career to be based on writing about other people's stories.
  • Write every day (which won't be a problem because of one of the main themes of blog has already given me over 100 post ideas, which I will explain in a the next post).
That's all I have for now. I am not going to promote my blog quite yet. I want to polish it up a little more. But yay for the first post!

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