About this Blog

I only somewhat play 2 instruments, I can’t sing, and I will never have a career as a musical performer (perhaps someday I could have a job in the music business, though!), so why did I choose the theme of music for this blog? To find this answer, please check out my blog post on the band, Love and Theft. This is the band that introduced me to the power of music and brought me into a joyful community of other music and concert-going fans. The "My Story Playlist" tab also features a description on the power of music in my life. After all, I have an entire playlist dedicated to telling the story of my life!

How the blog works:
There will be three main categories that my posts will fall under. You can easily find posts on the artist or topic you are looking for by clicking on the tabs at the top of my blog. Below is a description of each category. (Click on the headings to go to the actual page.)

1) My Story Playlist: My entire blog is titled “My Story Playlist” because this is essentially the most important part of my blog and it is also the most meaningful part because it tells my story. Some of these posts will get very personal, but I think this is the best way to demonstrate my love for music and the impact it has in my life. Click on the heading for a more detailed explanation.
2) Concert Reviews: I go to quite a few concerts! Even before I began this blog, I wrote about concerts I went to and emailed the reviews to friends who couldn’t be there. I hope to vary my writing style in the reviews. Some may be more of an analysis of the concert (likes and dislikes). Others will be a simple summary of what happened, and other reviews may be a 3 page detailed story of the road trip to the show, what we did beforehand, how we met the band, and what happened after the concert. I have no doubt that some of my reviews will get very lengthy! I will also include a list of upcoming concerts that I will be attending, or hopefully attending.
3) Artist Reviews: There are some musical artists that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and I want to promote them, so I hope to do that with this blog. I will also discuss artists that I may not like because I have to admit, I do enjoy creating new ways to call a song or band a pile of spoiled refried beans on a moldy burrito (aka…bad!). Even though country music is my favorite genre, my goal is to branch out to all different genres. I’m hoping that through doing this I will push myself to learn about some new artists as well!

Of course, there will also be posts that do not fall under these three categories. I may talk about how much I want to go to CMA Fest, or a concert I’m looking forward to, or random and obscene things Blake Shelton says, or give a brief update on a new artist I just discovered. These posts will be more personal and less formal. I will be sure to include a label of any artist I talk about in it though, so it doesn’t get lost in cyberspace. I may also have some "themed" post such as songs that I currently keep on repeat (label will be "On Repeat") or songs that are part of a specific playlist (like a summer playlist or a breakup song playlist).

About Me:
Who is the person behind this blog? My name is Val!
You can see my brief blogger profile here.
You can see my “music timeline,” which is like my music biography, here.