Friday, June 3, 2011

How this blog works

I know, I know. It’s Friday night. It’s summer. I’m 19 years old. I should be out getting my crazy on. Sometimes though, even young college kids need to relax by dipping strawberries in gooey chocolate and watching country music videos with their dad on a Friday night!

Anyway, because I am itching to start writing REAL posts for this blog, I first need to explain how this blog is going to work.

There will be three main categories that my posts will fall under. In each post, I will put a label as to what category it belongs in, but I will also copy and paste the URL of the post into one of the tabs at the top of the blog so it’s easier to find a particular post. I bet you are dying to know what the three categories are though, right? Here they are:

1) My Story Playlist: The explanation for this category will need its own post. My entire blog is titled “My Story Playlist” because this is essentially the most important part of my blog and it is also the most meaningful part because it tells my story. For now, as a brief introduction, I will just tell you that I have been keeping a playlist in my iTunes library called “My Story Playlist” since August of 2009. Every song I chose to go in that playlist describes what was going on in my life at that moment. With all these songs together, they tell my story. And hence, the name “My Story Playlislt.” Some of these posts will get very personal, but I think this is the best way to demonstrate my love for music and the impact it has in my life.
2) Concert Reviews: I go to quite a few concerts! Even before I began this blog, I wrote about concerts I went to and emailed the reviews to friends who couldn’t be there. I hope to vary my writing style in the reviews. Some may be more of an analysis of the concert (likes, dislikes), others will be a simple summary of what happened, and other reviews may be a 3 page detailed story of the road trip to the show, what we did beforehand, how we met the band, and what happened after the concert. I have no doubt that some of my reviews will get very lengthy!
3) Artist Reviews: There are some musical artists that I ABSOLUTLY LOVE!! I can tell you right now my top 5 all-time favorite bands/artists (see my “About Me” tab) and I want to promote them, so I hope to do that with this blog. I will also discuss artists that I may not necessarily like because I have to admit, I do enjoy finding different ways to call a song or band a pile of spoiled refried beans on a moldy burrito (aka…bad!). Even though country music is my favorite genre, my goal is to branch out to all different genres. I’m hoping that through doing this I will push myself to learn about some new artists as well!

Sorry, I lied. There are actually four main categories, but this fourth one does not get its own special tab at the top of my blog so that’s why I didn’t include it with the categories above. This fourth category can be called whatever you want: Random thoughts, interesting tidbits, beautiful sentiments, crazy ramblings, etc. They will act as sort of my own personal blog. I may talk about how excited I am for a concert, a conversation I had with someone about something music-related, how I wish I had Whitney Duncan’s beautiful blonde hair, or how a certain song played a part in my life that day. These things may come close to one of the three categories above, but will just be less formal. I will be sure to include labels if I talk about an artist in a post though.

Stay tuned for more posts very soon!

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