Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6 Songs I Keep On Repeat

This purpose of this blog is to get out all my excitement over some songs that have been highly played on my iPod within the past 2 or 3 days. Ready…Go!

#1: “Paper Airplane” by Alison Krauss & Union Station.
I listened to this over 20 times in a row last night as I was trying to fall asleep. This song has such an eerie tone, yet it is absolutely beautiful. I first saw the music video for this and with the imagery of the video combined with the song, I got goosebumps. Plus, this song is just very pessimistic about love with the last line being “our love will die, I know” and I don’t think there can ever be enough pessimistic love songs! Once I finally find the so-called “love of my life” then I will welcome more mushy-gushy love songs, but for now, “Paper Airplane” is the appropriate love song for me.

#2: “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” by John Mayer
About 2 weeks ago at the beginning of the summer I sat outside with two of my friends on a beautiful evening. As we caught up with each other after being away at different schools for awhile, a selection of John Mayer songs was playing in the background. This song caught my attention. I love the guitar in it and I love the slow groove it has going on; it’s a sexy song. Lately, I have really been digging the electric guitar, so that’s probably why this song has been on repeat. (P.S. Check out that guitar!)

#3: “Daydreaming” by Attwater
One of my facebook friends who really likes country music posted this song. It was a free download on their website. I actually downloaded it before I listened to it, but once I did listen to it, I couldn’t stop! “Everybody tells me nothing is for certain. Life is just a game, it must be played. If all we have our dreams, I’m bursting at the seams, won’t let a single moment get away…. I daydream of a time where everything is perfectly fine.” These are beautiful lyrics. I also love the simplicity and country rawness of the song. The banjo and fiddle are my two favorite instruments in country music, and this song has both of them. They match the optimistic mood of the song and makes you want to tap your feet. Attwater included all the best elements of country music in this song, and I’m looking forward to hearing more from them! Their single and video of "Never Gonna Happen" debuts June 7th, which is today! It's a free download on Attwater's website! ("Daydreaming" isn't on YouTube. Check it out on their myspace page.)

#4: “Wanna Take You Home” by Gloriana
I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan of Gloriana, but I have loved all the singles they have put out. Perhaps I should check out the rest of their music as well? The thing I have loved about all their singles is that you can dance to them. Country music isn’t always the best music to dance to. Most country songs you either slow dance to, moderately sway your hips to, line dance to, or fist pump and bob your head to. Today as I was put on hold while trying to make an appointment through the phone, this song came on the radio and I lost control of my body. I just started flailing my arms and shimmying my shoulders. I was out of breath when the person finally came back on the phone. This song is my instant happy pill! It will also make a great addition to a summer playlist.

#5: “Flower” by Amos Lee
This was a free music video on iTunes last week (or the week before, I don’t remember). Amos Lee is my best friend’s favorite artist and we are hoping to see him at a festival coming up (if we win tickets). I have heard his songs before and they were usually too mellow and boring for me, but this song puts me in a good place. “I know that by tomorrow, I’m going to be alright…My heart is a flower that blooms every hour. I believe in the power of love.” I actually made this into a ringtone that I use for my alarm to get up in the morning because that lyric is so powerful and is a great message to live by. I also like how the song has a tempo change into the chorus. It keeps me interested in the song. Amos’ voice is soulful and passionate and this song showcases that.

#6: “Rainy Season” by Hunter Hayes
Well, I don’t have this song on my iPod because Hunter has not released his album yet (grr), but I have still been playing it on my computer A LOT. This video appeared on my YouTube homepage and I got so excited because I’ve never heard this song by him before. It is an absolutely GORGEOUS song. In fact, it’s my favorite song that I’ve ever heard him sing/play. I think it’s because this is a very mature song--it’s sexy; whereas Hunter’s single “Storm Warning” is just cute. Hunter's vocals are incredible in this song as well. Those high notes...damn! SO GOOD! Many people have said that Hunter’s voice is similar to Gary LeVox’s (Rascal Flatts), but there is no way Gary could sing this song as powerful as Hunter. What I like most about it is Hunter’s guitar playing; it is very John Mayer-esque. He even makes some of the same facial expressions as John does when he plays! The lyrics are simple and so it gives a chance for the instruments, especially the guitar, to be the highlight of the song. I can see Hunter being the next Keith Urban or Brad Paisley of country music jamming on his guitar in front of thousands of people at the LP Field during CMAfest pretty darn soon…

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