Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Update

Hello music lovers everywhere!

There was a storm so we had to take shelter in the
Cold Spring distribution center. Lucky us, we got
stuck with the LoCash Cowboys!
Today I was lucky enough to get my hours cut at work so I got to leave 5 hours early!! Then again, I really need the money, but with working at the rink AND at the fabric store last week, I got in over 45 hours. Along with working at the magazine this week, I'm okay with a little break! What did I do with 5 extra hours you ask?! I was on YouTube!! I watched a lot of concert videos of the LoCash Cowboys because after seeing & meeting them on Saturday, I am definitely now a big fan of theirs! They're kind of like a weird blend of Justin Moore, Jason Aldean, and Love and Theft. Their music is country-rock, but they also have some really heartfelt songs that are quite emotional. Any band that can be both "bad" and emotional is quite talented and should be well respected, in my opinion. The LoCash Cowboys (Preston and Chris) are also two extremely nice and funny guys. I'm going to have to see them live again (and this time actually know some of their songs!). And uh... I kind of have a thing for Preston now ;)

Along with watching LoCash videos, I uploaded my own videos from past concerts this summer! I even created a new YouTube page just for my concert videos that coordinates with this blog. the URL is www.youtube.com/MyConcertPlaylist. Check it out for concert videos from Taylor Swift, NKOTBSB, and Ingram Hill! These are all three concerts that I still have yet to write about for this blog. I will get to it someday.

This summer has been the absolute BEST summer for concerts EVER! I have seen all of my all-time favorite bands and artists (minus two--Shania Twain & Justin Moore). I have even seen some bands and artists that I wasn't expecting to like, but now I'm a fan! I only have two concerts planned for the rest of the summer now; The Band Perry at the Iowa State Fair (we're going to make this concert into a mini-vacation because we're going camping afterward!) and then Hunter Hayes at Toby Keith's Bar & Grill in St. Louis Park! It's quite ironic that my first concert of the summer was Hunter and he will also be my last concert of the summer.

For the rest of this entry, I have some songs that are currently ON REPEAT in my iTunes:
1. "Home Life" - John Mayer
I heard this song play at my work one day and I had to have it! It's got such a cool sound and has very different lyrics. It's especially a good driving song.

2. "The Luxury of Knowing" - Keith Urban
Just... wow. Truthfully, I have yet to get Keith's "Get Closer" album, so I never heard of this song before until Hunter Hayes tweeted about it! This song just comes straight from the soul.

3. "Don't Stop Dancing" - Matthew Morrison
If you're down in the dumps and need a feel good song, listen to this! It really does make me want to dance. I love the high notes Matthew hits in this song. It sounds like a song from the 90's but with a current hip guitar. I think it's Matthew's former LMNT boy band voice that makes me feel like it could be from the 90's--but that's not a bad thing at all! It makes the song even sexier ;) I am also fond of this song because the first time I heard it was LIVE when Matthew opened for NKOTBSB (see the video I took below!) and at the end of his song, he did a dance tribute to his three heros; Gene Kelly, Patrick Swayze, and Michael Jackson. Matthew was able to capture the joy and magic of dance from three different genres. It doesn't get any better than that.